Monday, February 25, 2019

THING 1- Getting started

Getting Started - Eddie D

Hello everyone!

 My name is Ed Dyminski and I am a Business teacher in our district. I have been an educator for twenty seven years and plan to retire at the end of this year. Currently I am at the Leadership Academy for Young men at Charlotte. I transferred here at the beginning of this school year. My heart belongs to Edison Tech as that is where I began my career and truly miss my NYSSA students from the previous two years. It amazes me following three consecutive highly effective ratings that the bump that all out the window and start you at square one once again. ( ed's rule why mess up a positive learning environment to put you in a negative learning environment ) . It is what it is I guess.

 I'm taking this class to further my skills for my students and also to begin some new skills. Welcome everyone!


  1. Welcome to the workshop. Sorry to hear that you were bumped from your previous position. That has to be frustrating. I'm impressed that even with retirement near, you're taking this workshop! Good on ya! (I'm retiring at the end of the year too!)

  2. Than you Polly and we all need skills!
